Allo Allo ,
This week I want to show you how to make this. We all see a lot of users make houses and think wish I could make this but I have no decorating skill, well I would like to tell you that you have everyone has if they just practice
So here is a simple one for us to use and it does not have to be the same
So using the white panels from design line up the shape of the building
Then buy some of these below either ones are fine
And place them behind some of the white panels to use as shadows
So now we need some windows these are the best to use
Place two on the left of the building
Put some light behind also curtains and some furniture
So using these for roofing you place them where you would like the roof
*Note as I said you do not have to follow the whole house*
As you see between these there is two ways you can place them
So OK Your house should start to look like this
*Note I will leave this room for you all to pop on and copy if you wish*
I think it is better to copy ideas by moving items around in other suites
I do this all the time with Rosie.Doll rooms ASKING 1ST :)
Now using these
Start placing them on the ground not showing any of the dark green
Like you see below
Now place the trees I have used my LE ones :)
Now to finish this off I added some of the sc bushes that I use a lot of and yes the ones I use as Rocks some more plants and trees
So what do you think ?
Will you give it a go ?
Till next week